
We're proud that our products are handcrafted in the United States using the utmost materials from around the world. What does this mean for you? That you are receiving a quality product that can be used again and again and even passed down from one generation to the next when cared for properly.


Only the finest materials, such as French Alencon and Chantilly laces and Swarvorski crystals are used in the production of our veils and jewelery.



Unique touches, such as these enameled flowers, are meticulously handcrafted and hand painted one at a time using a vast palette of pale colors with finishes that range from glossy to distressed.



Time-honored skills such as soldering, casting and sculpting, utilized by artists throughout history, allow our artisans to create accessory items with the highest standards and quality that often become heirlooms passed from one generation to the next.